
Tag: Peaches-n-Cream

Lime and Lemonade Coasters

Nothing says summer more than a lemonade stand, so refresh your memory of lazy summer days past with these adorable coasters. Mix it up by using orange yarn for orange slices or pink yarn for grapefruit slices and brighten up your breakfast table.

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Star-Spangled Dishcloth

Worked in single crochet rows following a chart for the color changes, you’ll be able to practice your tapestry crochet technique using this beautiful pattern.  Carry the second color across the blue stitches as done in tapestry crochet technique.

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Fruit Party Set

There is nothing more refreshing than having fresh fruit on a table during summertime. Pears, grapes and oranges are some of summer’s best and these crocheted versions are no exception. Each silverware holder has a matching coaster to liven up the dining room table.

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Americana Kitchen Set

“American Gothic” by Grant Wood was painted in 1930, however, the print on the woman’s apron is indicative of the 19th century. The farm women of the 19th century were true artists, turning fabric scraps into amazing and useful household items. The Americana Kitchen Set is a tribute to the women of that time period who worked tirelessly turning a house into a home. The trivet is representation of a braided rug and the dishcloth is constructed in the popular log cabin quilt block pattern.

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Floral Mesh Tote

Do you want a chic and versatile beach bag this summer? This floral beach bag is the best thing to tote around to the beach. The mesh construction allows for the flexibility to stash whatever you want inside, and the colorful blossoms help to attach the bamboo handles.

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