
Tag: Four Seasons Home Decor

Sunny Sunflower Door Decor

Hang this sunflower door decoration on your front door to display a sunny welcome to all your guests this fall. Have fun pairing your favorite ribbons with this charming flower design that would look great on a pillow or used as a table centerpiece!

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Mitered Triangles Afghan

A modern twist to create a contemporary feel. Large miter triangles meet at the center of this afghan to create a visual effect that draws the eye outward. Simple rows of single and double crochet, can be made in a variety of color band widths, to allow a very customizable design. This is a great design for both men and women, with some bright colors it can even be enjoyed by kids.

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Hexagon Gems Baby Blanket

You’ll find that it’s fun to whip up these soft cotton hexagons in bright colors, and the project is perfectly portable until it’s time for assembly. Use the jewel tone colors we selected or pick the colors that best suit the recipient’s nursery style.

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Chevron Mountain Peaks Blanket

While we can often be tempted by tiny, frilly crocheted blankets when a friend or family member is expecting, sometimes the better part of valor is stitching something thick and durable that the baby can hang onto into the toddler years and beyond. This cushy blanket is great for small people to play on as well as sleep under. Once you have a few rows finished this pattern is really easy to memorize.

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