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Americana Kitchen Set

“American Gothic” by Grant Wood was painted in 1930, however, the print on the woman’s apron is indicative of the 19th century. The farm women of the 19th century were true artists, turning fabric scraps into amazing and useful household items. The Americana Kitchen Set is a tribute to the women of that time period who worked tirelessly turning a house into a home. The trivet is representation of a braided rug and the dishcloth is constructed in the popular log cabin quilt block pattern.

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  • How on earth do you measure the tube? It is done in the round and I cannot figure this out. Help!

  • Nancy P.

    Please email American Kitchen set to me: Thank you very much.

    • Nicola P.

      Hello Nancy! You are welcome to save this pattern by copying and pasting into a word document or by printing the pattern via the printer icon on the left hand side of your screen. Hope this helps! – Nicola, Editor


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