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As Clear As Crochet – Why Is Crochet Better Than Knitting?

In this new series, we’re asking designers all of your most pressing crochet questions. Hear what they have to say and feel free to chime in with your answers too!


  • Quita

    I knit and crochet. I am trying to get more proficient at crochet but right now I prefer to knit!
    I learn both skills from my Grandmother and Great Aunt when I was 4. I would watch their fingers fly and was fascinated. So each broke down and taught me so I would get my nose out of their projects I’m sure! So I’ve been at it ever since.

  • cattyb

    I love crocheting because a machine can knit, but not create the intricate patterns that are possible with crochet. What you make is totally unique to you…even if you’re following a pattern! Plus — it’s more portable, fewer tools to keep track of, quicker to create a small item, more relaxing (IMHO), more versatile, less counting and gives one a chance to educate people you meet about differences in the fiber arts!

  • I learned how to knit when I was 7 from my Aunt. Then I forgot how to knit and re-learned how to knit in my early 20s. I took some knitting lessons as well from a lovely lady. Because I was into knitting too much I got tendonitis in both wrists. The tendonitis still acts up now and then. I also don’t have the passion I used to have for knitting. Now I am trying to learn how to crochet. I find crochet more difficult then knitting but I will master the art of crochet. I can only crochet bone toque pattern. I like the idea of crochet as you only use one crochet hook. I have also taken up spool knitting.

  • Sharon F.

    I crochet, knit and am learning Tunisian crochet. All have their different attributes and I love them all. I have problems with RSI injuries to my thumbs and find if I change between all of the different skills my hands don’t get tired so quickly. Fibre Art Rules in all it’s shapes forms and sizes as far as I’m concerned. They all help with my physiological as well as mental health more or as much as a regular medication.

  • I learned to crochet when I was 8 years old. I’ve been hooking for 36 years now! I love how fast I can work up crochet. I have tried to learn knitting because I really want to make my own socks and crochet socks are not comfortable to walk on. I am super slow with knitting so I lose patience and interest quickly. Also, as many others have pointed out, dropping a stitch or making a mistake in knitting is so much more difficult to correct than crochet. I have loads of respect for knitters! But I’ll stick with crochet!

  • I liove both. At this stage of my life, with four, soon to be five, small grandchildren living in the house, crocheting makes more sense because there is only one hook, vs at least two knitting needles (or one huge circular needle with many, many stitches) which could easily be yanked from a project, leaving me with hours of trying to pick up the stitches again. I just wish someone could come up with a way to make dark yarns easier to see while crocheting. I have had to pretty much give up crocheting really dark yarns.

  • I taught myself crochet in college. Still love it , can’t get the hang of 2 knitting needles.

  • I find crochet to be better than knitting for a few reasons. The first being that it’s easier. Other than that, it’s better to create textured fabric(in my opinion), only one loop instead of many, easier to find your spot in a pattern if you have to pause your work, and it’s far easier to work on if you’re on a bumpy road trip.

  • Because the shapes and forms you can create are endless. Knitting is row by row.

  • Pauline W.

    I can’t say crochet is better than knitting bc I prefer to knit over crochet although I do tons more crochet than knitting! I do agree that crochet is more suitable for traveling and produces fabric far faster than knitting. But knitting is better for the novelty yarns than crochet. I love both so much. Can’t choose between my addictions.

  • Phylis S.

    I enjoy both knitting and crocheting. I am faster at crochet. However, what I like the most about crochet is the ability to design while crocheting. I was once able to adapt another crocheter’s pink baby blanket to one more appropriate to either boy or girl by crocheting animal silhouettes in blue to apply to the pink background. The elephant, turtle, owl, dog, kitten, etc. would not have looked so good if knitted.

  • I love both. Crocheting is faster and more portable, and the lacy look is great. It all depends on the final look you want. There are definite benefits to both 🙂

  • Marit F.

    I enjoy both. It depends on my mood and the project I want to make. I do think crochet is better as a take along when traveling. I would think that having a crochet hook in your bag gives less opportunity for confiscation especially if travel is international. Crochet seems to be less fussy because you’re only using one tool and working one stitch at a time.

  • Angela

    I think crocheting is better because it’s easier to create art. There just seems to be more you can do with it to make your home, office and world a beautiful place: While I do like knit stitches better for clothing, knitting is hard to learn and awkward. I can take my crochet project with me everywhere.

  • My grandmother taught me to knit when I was 16. While my knitting wouldn’t win awards with a frog or gremlin, I did learn. I learned to crochet from girls at work who were doing crochet on their lunch hour and they taught me how along with some of the stitches. When I learned to crochet, knitting went by way of the tadpole. I love crochet, easy to correct mistakes. I love the feel of good yarns and fabrics alike. It’s soothing and frustrating and appeals to my creative nature. Go Crocheters.

  • Chris

    As with “all of the above” reasons, mine is deeply personal: my mom taught me when I was about 12 and she encouraged me every step of the way. She suggested colors, patterns, embellishments, and coordinates to go with the items I crocheted. I can’t pick up a crochet hook without thinking of her (—and I try to crochet daily). She also knitted, but found it harder to teach me (my fault really- I was “hooked” from the start). Love to the knitters out there,too. Keep working those needles and hooks!!

  • Beate G.

    I think crocheting is easier then knitting especially when you make a mistake, When you make a mistake in crochet you pull out your stitches and begin again no big deal, But when you make a mistake in knitting you back knit meaning you undo each stitch in the line, so you unfurl a stitch or unknit a stitch very time consuming

  • Lucy R.

    I love crochet for all the above reasons but my big one is that a mistake is much easier and quicker to correct. For this reason alone I can say that crochet gives me the pleasure and satisfaction I look for when I tackle a project.

  • I can do both, but I prefer to crochet because when I knit it like I’m a flapping bird. It’s also so much easier to do wherever I go.

  • Lucy F.

    Crochet is better because you can get so creative with it. Also, if you need to take it apart a row or two, you don’t risk ruining the whole project by having stitches slip down uncontrollably and then splitting your yarn trying to get them back creating sore-to-the-eye stitches.


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