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New Crochet Books for Early Summer 2021

Check out these 4 brand new books that are releasing this summer and add to your reading/crocheting list!

  1. Colorful Crochet Designs
  2. Hello Hexie Crochet Patterns
  3. A Modern Guide to Textured Crochet
  4. Block by Block Crochet

  • Joann C.

    I Am looking forward to these patterns, I can’t make all of the patterns, but I sure am going to try….

  • Linda B.

    Cqan I order the new books or will they be online also?. I am new, and I love the patterns , just have to figure out how to type better and to print out patterns.

    • Nicola P.

      Hello! This article is more of an industry news type article just showing what books are about to be published from other companies. You can click on the links above to be taken to the Amazon order pages. There may or may not be digital versions of these books, you will have to check with the publisher or what is available through Amazon. I hope this helps! – Nicola, Editor

  • Vicki M.

    Thank you I am 75 years old and can’t get out anymore I also have a problem with a printerIf anyone has old books to get rid of I’m your person

    • Nicola P.

      Hello Vicki! Thank you for your interest in I Like Crochet magazine. At this time, we do not have printed versions of our magazine issues. As a member of I Like Crochet, you’ll be able to access all of the patterns in our archives digitally with the option to print individual patterns. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks! – Nicola, Editor


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