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As Clear As Crochet – How Many Skeins of Yarn Do You Buy?


  • Kelly P.

    It really depends on what I think I might want to make. If I’m thinking blanket, then I buy at least 6-8 skeins. It also depends on the size of the skein. If it’s a smaller skein I buy more. If I want to make dish rags etc I still usually buy at least 4 skeins. I’ve learned the hard way to make sure I buy as many as I think I will need because the stores get rid of colors so quickly. A couple times I couldn’t find anymore of the color I needed to finish my blankets.

  • Madelaine K.

    As many as I can. I try to find mill ends of the yarns that I like and then crocheting is the limit.

  • Jessie G.

    I usually get 1-2 skeins. This way, if I don’t wind up using it, its not a big loss. Plus, if the pattern is small and I haven’t done it before, it gives me a chance to see just how much yarn I would actually use for it.

  • Rayna T.

    First, I try to remind myself of all my other stash and WIPs. LOL

    I aim for at least a shawl quantity (800 to 1200 yards) or 3 or 4 skeins for a hat and scarf set.

    If it’s lace weight, thread or a novelty yarn I may get just one or two to test it out and use as an embellishment on another garment, or maybe crochet jewelry.

  • Rayna T.

    I try to remind myself of all my other stash and WIPs. LOL

    I aim for at least a shawl quantity (800 to 1200 yards) or 3 or 4 skeins for a hat and scarf set.

    If it’s lace weight, thread or a novelty yarn I may get just one or two to test it out and use as an embellishment on another garment, or maybe crochet jewelry.


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