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Kid’s Crayon Stripe Crochet Afghan Pattern

Unleash your creativity with the Kid’s Crayon Stripe Crochet Afghan, a playful and vibrant blanket that celebrates color and individuality. Perfect for any little one’s room, this “draw-outside-the-lines” style afghan combines bold stripes with a lively, eye-catching edging to create a truly unique design. Inspired by the colorful world of crayons, this blanket adds a sense of fun and imagination to any space.

Skill Level: Easy

Size: 45” x 52”

Gauge: 4 rows = 3”; Shell, V St = 1 ¾”


Medium weight yarnYarn: Red Heart with Love (100% acrylic; 230 yards [211 meters]/198 grams): #1701 Hot Pink (1 skein), #1814 True Blue (1 skein), #1601 Lettuce (1 skein), #1252 Mango (1 skein), #1542 Aubergine (1 skein)
Hook: US size H/8 (5.0 mm) hook or size needed for gauge

Special Stitches

V Stitch (V St): (dc, ch 1, dc) in stitch or space as indicated.
Shell: 3 dcs in stitch or space as indicated.


Row 1: With hot pink ch 157, Shell in 5th ch from hook, *skip 2 chs, V St in next ch, skip 2 chs, shell in next ch, rep from * across alternating Shell and V St, dc in last ch, turn.
Row 2 (RS): Ch 3, *V St in center dc of Shell, Shell in ch 1 space of V St, rep from * across, dc in last dc, turn and fasten off.
Row 3: Join true blue with slst in first st, ch 2, *Shell in ch 1 space of V St, V St in center dc of Shell, rep from * across, dc in last dc, turn.
Row 4: Repeat Row 2 and fasten off.

Color Scheme

Continue 2-row pattern for a total of 70 rows as follows: (2 rows each hot pink, true blue, lettuce, mango, aubergine) 7 times.


With right side facing and hot pink work along top edge (sc, ch 3, dc) in first right corner dc, [(sc, ch 2, dc) in ch 1 space of V St, (sc, ch 2, dc) in center dc of Shell] across, (sc, ch 3, dc) in last corner dc changing to true blue on dc.
Work along side edge with true blue (sc, ch 2, dc) in each dc across changing to lettuce on last dc.
Work along bottom edge with lettuce (sc, ch 3, dc) in first stitch of bottom edge, [(sc, ch 2, dc) in ch below Shell, (sc, ch 2, dc) in ch below V St] across, (sc, ch 3, dc) in last stitch changing to mango on dc.
Work along side edge with mango (sc, ch 2, dc) in each dc across, join to beginning sc and fasten off.
Weave in ends and trim.

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