Beads, shells and raffia evoke a sun, sand and sea vibe for the summer months.
Time: 1 Hour Pattern
Skill Level: Easy
Size: 1 ¼ inches W x 2 3/8 inches L, excluding ear wires and shell dangles.
Gauge: Not necessary for design, see size measurements.
Yarn: Paper Mart Raffia Ribbon (1/4” wide x 100 yds per spool):
10 yds each #4434800 kraft (CC1), #4434838 coral (CC2), #4434879 pastel blue (CC3)
#49274 African Turquoise Matte Round (Large Hole) 6mm, 8-inch strand, 2
#31286 Picture Jasper Round (Large Hole) 6.5mm, 7.5”-strand, 1
#43389 Vintaj Natural Brass Modern French Ear Wire 20mm , 2 pkgs
#56982 White Nassa Shell Charm 8-13×14-24mm, 6
#52989 Tiny Nassa Shell Charm 6-10×10-20mm, 2
Beads and ear wires from www.limabeads.com
Hook/Needles: Size B/2.25mm and size 8/1.5mm steel crochet hook
Notions: Dental floss threader, tapestry needle, hand steamer (optional)
Special Stitches
Double Treble Crochet (dtr): With lp on hook, yo 3 times, insert hook in indicated st, yo, pull up lp (4 lps on hook), [yo, pull through 2 lps on hook] three times.
Pattern Techniques
Knot-less beginning chain technique: Leaving an 8-inch beg tail, lay raffia over top of shaft of hook, twist hook horizontally 360° around. Slide twist to end of hook and hold firmly, chain indicated number of chs.
Slide bead (sb): Lengthen lp on hook to approximately 3/8-inch and remove from hook, insert smaller crochet hook through indicated bead and elongated lp, pull lp up through bead, return lp to larger hook and tighten tension if necessary to shorten lp.
Pattern Notes
Weave in ends as work progresses.
Optional: If desired use hand steamer to block earrings into desired shape.
Make Ring (All earrings): With indicated raffia, leaving an 8-inch beg tail, using larger hook and knot-less beg ch technique (see Pattern Techniques), ch 14, insert hook in knot-less beg ch, yo, pull through lp on hook to join and form a ring.
Krafty Turquoise
Make 2
Rnd 1: With CC1, make ring, using turquoise beads, *sb (see Pattern Techniques), sl st in first ch, inserting hook through opening of ring, (sb, sl st, sb, sc, sb, hdc, sb, dc, sb, tr, [sb, dtr] twice, sb, tr, sb, dc, sb, hdc, sb, sc, sb, sl st) in ring, sb, sl st in last ch before join, pull beg tail tightly and behind ring, sl st in ring between beg sl st and last sl st made and over beg tail, lengthen lp on hook to 0.5″ and remove from hook, [sb over lp] twice, attach ear wire to lp*. Cut kraft leaving an 8-inch tail, bring tail to WS and knot tightly with beg tail to secure. (15 sts)
Sea Shell and Coral
Make 2
Rnd 1: With CC2, make ring, using jasper beads, rep from * to * of rnd 1 of Krafty Turquoise Earrings, cut coral leaving an 8-inch tail, thread tail through dental floss threader, insert tip of threader from RS to WS through 1 tiny nassa shell, remove dental floss threader, thread same tail through tapestry needle, insert needle from bottom to top up through front and back lps of last sl st made, knot beg and ending tail tightly to secure.
Blue & White Nassa
Make 2
Rnd 1: With CC3, make ring, working all sts in opening of ring, ch 1, sl st, ch 1, sc, ch 2, hdc, ch 2, dc, ch 2, tr, [ch 2, dtr] twice, ch 2, tr, ch 2, dc, ch 2, hdc, ch 2, sc, ch 1, sl st, ch 1, pull beg tail tightly and behind ring, sl st in ring between beg sl st and last sl st made and over beg tail, lengthen lp to 0.5″ and remove from hook, using turquoise beads, [sb over lp] twice, attach ear wire to lp. Cut blue leaving an 8-inch tail, bring tail to WS and knot tightly with beg tail to secure. (13 sts)
Beaded Shell Dangles
Make 3
Cut one 8-inch strand blue raffia and thread first 1” of one end through dental floss thread, insert tip of threader through one white nassa shell, slide bead to middle of strand, thread both ends through dental floss threader, insert tip of threader through 1 turquoise bead. Place one end of raffia from front to back through center ch-2 sp at bottom of earring, tie ends tightly on WS to secure. Rep to make 2 more dangles and attach in same manner to next ch-2 sp on each side of first bead dangle.
Cut one 8-inch strand blue raffia and thread first 1” of one end through dental floss thread, insert tip of threader through one white nassa shell, slide bead to middle of strand, thread both ends through dental floss threader, insert tip of threader through 1 turquoise bead. Place one end of raffia from front to back through center ch-2 sp at bottom of earring, tie ends tightly on WS to secure. Rep to make 2 more dangles and attach in same manner to next ch-2 sp on each side of first bead dangle.
HI.. would there be a video on this project?
Hi Valerie, at the moment we do not have a video for this project but we will keep it in mind! – Nicola, Editor
Where can I get the raffia yarn?
Hi Gayle! This particular raffia is available at papermart.com, I believe it’s this type: https://www.papermart.com/p/paper-raffia-ribbon/49659
Hope this helps! – Nicola, Editor
Talk about a stash buster! I can’t wait to make some of these earrings. Just need to get the hardware and figure out what colors I want. Thanks so much!
How do I print this out
Hello! You are welcome to save this pattern by copying and pasting into a word document or by printing the pattern via the printer icon on the left hand side of your screen. Hope this helps! – Nicola, Editor