

FREE Printable Guide: I Like Crochet Yarn Yardage Project Cheat Sheet

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Dear Crocheter,

So there I was: happily crocheting my way through a beautiful afghan pattern — when my yarn ran out. I reached into my yarn bag for another ball. No more yarn. My bag was empty. I was mortified!

Maybe I read the pattern requirements wrong. Or maybe I read the yarn label wrong. I knew I needed a cheat sheet to keep me from getting into this kind of predicament again.

Don’t get caught short of yarn like I did. When you’re planning your crochet projects, check your yardage before you start your first chain. Here at I Like Crochet, we’ve put together a clear, easy-to-read, Yarn Yardage Project Cheat Sheet to make your crochet life so much simpler! Did you find a glorious yarn for your next project, but you’re not sure how many yards you’ll need? No worries! Just look it up on our handy chart to see how much yarn you’ll need for a shawl versus a sweater!

Keep your I Like Crochet Yarn Yardage Project Cheat Sheet handy!!

Some crocheters can walk into a yarn shop, see a yarn they love, and easily scoop up just the right amount of yarn. I am not that crocheter; I need a list of what’s what. I have my I Like Crochet Yarn Yardage Project Cheat Sheet right by my yarn bowl. And tacked up on the wall over my craft table. And laminated, in my yarn bag. And on my phone. And in my car. Wherever I have yarn, or wherever I might find yarn, I have a copy of this handy cheat sheet.

Crocheters know that crochet is good for your mental health: it nurtures creativity and makes us feel calmer, happier, and more productive. Don’t let an inadvertent yarn shortage stress you out: look it up on our convenient cheat sheet and get back into your calm, creative crochet groove!

Request our FREE chart, I Like Crochet Yarn Yardage Project Cheat Sheet, and you’ll save yourself a ton of time and aggravation when it comes to getting the right amount of yarn for your projects.

Don’t find yourself coming up short during a crochet project! Get your I Like Crochet Yarn Yardage Project Cheat Sheet chart today!


Caitlin Eaton
Executive Editor
I Like Crochet

P.S. Act now to get this FREE quick reference guide, I Like Crochet Yarn Yardage Project Cheat Sheet —and always have the right amount of yarn on hand for your projects!



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