Master the process of crocheting with more than one strand of yarn at a time with this simple photo tutorial. Once you practice this technique with the Chevron City Pillow, you’ll want to make all sorts of quick and easy projects!
- Begin by making the yarn into an S-shape.
- Pinch the center of the S to pick up 3 strands of yarn.
- Make a slipknot onto your crochet hook, wrapping all 3 strands together.
- Placing your fingers through the lp of yarn, pick up the single strand of yarn coming from the cake and pull it through the lp.
- Pull a length of yarn off of the cake to make a long lp.
- Pull the 3 strands of yarn together so that the single strand winds off of the cake to join the new long lp.
- Crochet using all 3 strands.
- Rep the chaining method when you reach the end of a lp; pull the single strand through the end of the lp to make a new long lp and allow the single strand to pull off of the cake as you crochet along.
wouldn’t ir be easier using 3 balls of yarn?
I believe the main use of this technique is to utilize a multi-colored yarn cake in a different way.
Can you show an example of a finished project with this 3 strand method?
Hi Beth! Here is the corresponding pattern to go with this tutorial: https://www.ilikecrochet.com/magazine/crochet-home-decor/crochet-pillow-patterns/chevron-city-pillow/?t=23662
-Nicola, Editor