- Pull drawstrings through: Realizing a drawstring has been pulled back into its casing can ruin your afternoon. Crochet hooks can save the day by easily slipping in, hooking on, and pulling that string back out.
- Button a dress: Many designers are bringing back fabric covered buttons, and not just for wedding dresses. Whether you love vintage style or are trying for a “new classic” look, use a crochet hook to pull the loops over their buttons and save yourself from cramped fingers.
- Unclog a drain: Anyone with long hair can attest to the misery that is a clogged drain. Easily unclog it while keeping your hands clean using one of your hooks.
- Untangle jewelry: Delicate jewelry is a pain to untangle, but crochet hooks get the job done without bending any links or destroying any heirlooms.
- Rescue jewelry dropped into drains: I’ve sent too many pieces of jewelry down the drain in my lifetime, and this tip continually saves me. Snake a crochet hook down your sink and pull out that necklace or ring that was accidentally elbowed right in.
- Fix a snagged sweater: Finding a snag in your sweater can ruin your day, but if you have a crochet hook on hand simply pull that loop through the inside. With this tip, you can say goodbye to the days of throwing out half-unraveled garments.
Have we missed any fun and unexpected uses? Tell us on our Facebook!
If you’re a crocheting beginner then you’ll definitely want to check out our tips & tricks for beginners as well as strategies for speeding up your crocheting!
I will definitely try this stitch.
I love to crochet. I don’t know how to knit anymore.
Use to fixed dropped stitches in knitting.