Tips, Tutorials and Abbreviations

Coastal Redwood Super Scarf Crochet Pattern


I’m Marie Segares from Underground Crafter and scarves are some of my favorite crochet projects to make, wear, and give. When I first heard about the super scarf crochet pattern phenomenon, I knew I had to make one! After all, not only are Super Scarves luxuriously long and super cozy, they definitely make a statement!


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How to Finger Crochet

Finger crochet is a great way to enjoy crochet when you don’t have a hook on hand (or, when your hook isn’t the right size for your yarn). It’s also a great way to teach crochet, since your fingers only have to focus on the mechanics of the stitches and not on how to hold the hook

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Tips for Left-Handed Knitters Who Want to Crochet

While I am right-handed, I grew up in a household where everyone else was left-handed, and I witnessed their struggle every day. However, when it came time to learn how to crochet, this situation came to be useful!  I sat opposite my mother and mimicked her steps as if looking in a mirror and caught onto the process easily. It can be difficult to how to crochet left-handed for beginners. Lefties will hold the hook in their left hand and use their right hand to hold the yarn and maintain tension.

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Crochet Abbreviations and Special Stitches

This is our growing list of crochet abbreviations and special stitches that are used in our patterns. Any linked stitch in this list will take you to a page of patterns that utilize that stitch so this page is an on-going resource that will continue to be updated with new stitches and new links to patterns. We hope you find this list useful!

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Inline vs Tapered Crochet Hooks

Discover the best crochet hooks to use as we answer the age-old debate on the inline vs tapered crochet hook. The answer to this question may surprise you! Crocheters all have their preferences as to which hook feels better. Learn why some people prefer one hook over the other.

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Tips for Crocheting Lace & Working with Lace Yarn

Are you one of many crocheters who is hesitant to work with thinner yarns, like lace and sock yarns or crochet cotton thread? You’re not alone. If you’ve never crocheted lace before, it can be be very daunting. But you shouldn’t give up! With just a few simple trips and tricks, you’ll learn how to

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How to Care for Wool

After hours invested in creating a crocheted garment, it’s easy to pretend that there’s no longer a need to lavish attention on it. Off the hook, out of mind, right? Well, if you want your garment to last for years and years, a little extra TLC for your hand-crocheted items goes a long way. Taking care of a hand-crocheted garment isn’t difficult, but it does require some additional knowledge. I will be focusing on the care of garments made from wool and other animal fibers, though these tips are also applicable to items made from acrylic or other synthetic yarns.

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