
Find easy crochet afghan patterns, including crochet ripple afghans, granny square blanket patterns and more. Learn to crochet blankets for every room of your house and easily amp up your home’s style with these easy-to-make designs.

See how you can learn to crochet patterns of all sizes, colors and construction. Learn how to combine individual crochet granny squares into a granny afghan and even learn how to crochet a mermaid blanket for your little one (or for yourself)!

Afghans can be intimidating because they’re so big, but there are many ways to make a quick blanket, from only making baby blankets and lapghans to using super bulky yarn to make your stitches as big as possible. If you have the skills and the patience, you can easily work up any afghan design you want – just be sure to work on it!

Dare to Dream Afghan

Take a stab at freeform crochet with this truly magical project. Using the idea of freely formed circles to create the sky and clouds, this design builds upon itself to create a beautiful pattern comprised of clouds, blue sky, and rainbows. The entire blanket is worked in two strands of yarn, includes more than 70 freeform circles to create a gorgeous texture. Check out the article on the next page to learn more about freeform crochet and get ready to be inspired!

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Heart Warming Blanket

Using the basic granny square motif and some creative color changing techniques, this soft and snuggly blanket will be the perfect addition to your loved one’s room. It’s cozy, squishy, and evergreen even after Valentine’s day which makes us love it even more!

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Rincón Stripes Afghan

Inspired by the colors of Rincón, Puerto Rico, single crochet striped strips make this an easy and satisfying stitch for whatever beach you find yourself crocheting upon. Construction is done with single crochet as well to avoid sewing.

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Ice Pop Stripes Afghan

The colors of this striped v-stitch afghan remind us of our favorite ice pop flavors—tangy orange, sweet strawberry, and classic blue raspberry. The piece is finished with a crisp white trim, but don’t worry: even with all these details, it’s an easy project to crochet.

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