
Find easy crochet afghan patterns, including crochet ripple afghans, granny square blanket patterns and more. Learn to crochet blankets for every room of your house and easily amp up your home’s style with these easy-to-make designs.

See how you can learn to crochet patterns of all sizes, colors and construction. Learn how to combine individual crochet granny squares into a granny afghan and even learn how to crochet a mermaid blanket for your little one (or for yourself)!

Afghans can be intimidating because they’re so big, but there are many ways to make a quick blanket, from only making baby blankets and lapghans to using super bulky yarn to make your stitches as big as possible. If you have the skills and the patience, you can easily work up any afghan design you want – just be sure to work on it!

Bonfire Blanket

This versatile blanket is pretty enough for your living room but rugged enough to use outside for that extra layer of warmth whenever you need it. Worked back and forth from end to end, this blanket features shells, front/back posts, crossed stitches, and bobbles to create a texture that’s both durable and beautiful.

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Suncrisp Appleghan

Inspired by bright colored apples, sunny autumn days and crisp fall air, this Appleghan captures the essence of Autumn without being drab. Made up of different squares, each week you’ll learn how to do a different motif for this amazing afghan.

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Saffron Pillowghan

Saffron Pillowghan

Two is always better than one – which is why we love this pillow-blanket combination! Fold this colorful striped lapghan up and tuck it into its pocket to create a stylish couch pillow. Or, unfold the blanket, throw a pillow form into the pocket and enjoy it as a cozy pillow and built-in blanket set.

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