In loving memory of Roseanna E. Beck (1950-2016), a beloved crochet designer whose passion for crafting touched the lives of many. Roseanna's journey as a creator began at the age of seven, and over the years, she honed her skills in various needle arts, including crochet, knitting, plastic canvas, needlepoint, and latch hook.
With a heart as warm as her handmade afghans, Roseanna dedicated herself to spreading joy through her craft. Her legacy shines brightly through the countless afghans she designed and sold, featured in numerous publications worldwide. In addition to her published works, Roseanna shared her expertise through online tutorials, touching the lives of aspiring crocheters globally and fostering a sense of community among crafters everywhere.
Though Roseanna is no longer with us, her spirit lives on in every stitch, a testament to her enduring legacy of creativity and generosity. As we fondly remember her contributions to the world of crochet, we extend our deepest gratitude for her invaluable presence in our lives.
For more information about Roseanna's life and legacy, please visit her obituary here:
In her memory, we at I Like Crochet magazine cherish and honor the indelible mark she left on our hearts and in the world of crochet.