
Rhondda Mol

Rhondda Mol, an Ontario, Canada-based professional crochet designer and blogger, is passionate about helping the online crochet community create amazing projects. Through her easy-to-follow patterns and tutorials, she aims to help fellow crocheters - regardless of their level of experience - make handmade items. She recently launched a second website,, dedicated to providing free, indie-designed crochet patterns and tutorials, so anyone with the desire to learn how to crochet can reach their goals.


Projects by Rhondda Mol

Bat’ll Do Treat Bag

Bat'll Do Treat Bag

Get ready for trick-or-treating with this helpful little bat treat bag. This sturdy bag design can be used to hold your Halloween Treats as you go door-to-door. The wings are reinforced with gardening wire and are bendable so he can fly off into the night sky.

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