
Linda Pietz

Linda Pietz was born into a family of artists, but her medium of choice has been fiber after learning to knit at age four. She holds a fine arts degree and has since been designing needlework and teaching art and fiber. Linda has coauthored several books with sister Nola Heidbreder including one on knitted baskets just released in March 2018. Linda resides in northern California with husband Mark and Montague the cat.

Projects by Linda Pietz

Pencil Me in Scarf

The no. 2 yellow pencil has been a staple for generations of school children. Quirky and fun, this scarf could be a great welcome-back-to-school gift for elementary school teachers!

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Chase the Rainbow Baby Booties

Worked up in a luscious palette of saturated color, these rainbow baby booties take the traditional granny square and transform it into a modern gift for baby. They’re also the perfect last-minute shower gift that can easily be worked up while on the go.

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