
Jill Wright

Jill's designs have been published in Creative Knitting, Crochet! Magazine, Interweave Crochet, Knit.1, Love of Knitting, Love of Crochet, KnitStyle, also Vogue Knitting International and Vogue Knitting Crochet. Jill co-authored a Leisure Arts booklet - Curvy Crochet, authored a book by Leisure Arts - Take the Fear Out of Cables, and has had several designs published in compilation books such as Knit Prayer Shawls, Crochet Prayer Shawls, Quick Knits, Fresh Designs: Scarves, Crocheted Gifts, Unexpected Afghans, Crochet Red, 101 One Skein Lace. Yarn companies have also chosen to publish Jill's designs: Classic Elite Yarns, Bijou Basin Ranch, Zealana, Fiesta Yarns, Universal Yarns.



Projects by Jill Wright

Lighter than Air Top

Classic, elegant, airy — those are just a few of the words you could use to describe this lightweight top. From date nights to beach parties, you’ll get plenty of wear out of this summer staple.

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Coronado Cardigan

Wrap shades of plum around your shoulders as you wear your favorite white dress. Airy and majestic, this is the perfect summer cardigan.

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