
Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond's background is a bit different than you'd expect, with degrees in Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics and Physics. She's been a meteorologist, a high school math and science teacher and, most recently, a professional knitter. But above all else, she is a passionate crafter, dabbling in a little bit of everything. Basically, if it can be crafted, and she needs to procrastinate something much more important, she can do it.

Projects by Chris Hammond

Help! How do I read a crochet pattern?

Hi Melissa,

So, you’ve decided that you want to learn how to crochet – that’s great! You’ve picked out your yarn and learned a few of the basic stitches, but now what? If you are just learning to crochet, one of the hurdles you must overcome is learning to read crochet patterns. While you don’t have

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Help! How do you go about deciphering a yarn label?

Hi Jamie,

Those pesky labels around your new skein of yarn can get in the way, but don’t be so quick to toss them; there is a wealth of information to be found on those little labels! Here’s a quick overview of the most important information included.

1. Brand and yarn name
2. Fiber content, weight and yardage.

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What’s blocking, and how do you do it?

Dear Laurie,

Congratulations! You finished that piece you’ve been working on… or have you?

Maybe not. If you want to add a professional finish to your crocheted piece, you should consider blocking it.

Blocking your crochet items puts a nice finishing touch on all your hard work, and it gives the final product a professional appearance. You’ll set

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How do you get a yarnaholic to not buy so much yarn?

Dear Paula,

My very tongue-in-cheek response is to ask, “Have you shown them the credit card bill?”

Of course, I’ll admit that this would have little effect on me. I am a confessed serial yarnaholic. I have never been able to control my yarn buying, no matter how hard I have tried. If I see a project

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Do you have any tips to speed up crochet?

Dear Carys,

Getting that project done as quickly as possible is always a great motivator, isn’t it? When I was just learning to crochet I would get frustrated with my speed too. Since then I’ve come up with some ways to really get things moving. While these techniques may not work for everyone, I find that when I try them with my students they do well.

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