
Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond's background is a bit different than you'd expect, with degrees in Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics and Physics. She's been a meteorologist, a high school math and science teacher and, most recently, a professional knitter. But above all else, she is a passionate crafter, dabbling in a little bit of everything. Basically, if it can be crafted, and she needs to procrastinate something much more important, she can do it.

Projects by Chris Hammond

Tips for Left-Handed Knitters Who Want to Crochet

While I am right-handed, I grew up in a household where everyone else was left-handed, and I witnessed their struggle every day. However, when it came time to learn how to crochet, this situation came to be useful!  I sat opposite my mother and mimicked her steps as if looking in a mirror and caught onto the process easily. It can be difficult to how to crochet left-handed for beginners. Lefties will hold the hook in their left hand and use their right hand to hold the yarn and maintain tension.

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How to Crochet Picots

Once you’re done working up your crochet project, it’s time to start thinking about how to finish it up with a little flair. Luckily for you, there is a plethora of ways to edge a sweater or blanket, but our favorite is the simple-to-learn and quick-to-work up picot edging. The picot stitch is versatile, easy

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HELP! I have been asked to make a baby blanket in varying shades of really dark colors (think camo) and I’m having so much trouble seeing what I’m doing and end up with the worst headaches. Do you have any suggestions or advice?

Hi Christi — you are certainly a great sport for taking on that dark project! Working with dark yarns can be a real pain in the eye, but over the years I have come up with a few tried and true tricks to help your work in progress (WIP) get going without giving you a

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My crochet edges are uneven! I have so much trouble figuring out where things go like ‘top of turning chain’ and ‘last stitch of the row’ are, so I guess and I know it messes things up. Do you have any pointers to get me on the right track?

Sarah, I can’t tell you how many times I hear this exact same question! Very honestly, once you learn the basic stitches, getting your pieces even is the next hardest thing.

To begin with, let’s practice with something simple like a small washcloth. Working on a small project while you practice will give you more confidence

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I have been a crafter all my life, but being a left handed crocheter, I have struggled with my projects coming out looking like my right handed friends. Do you have any tips for me?  How about video or book suggestions?

Hi Rachel,

You know, this is such a common question among left handed crafters.  It’s something we all struggle with.  In truth, I am also left handed, and struggled with this a great deal while growing up.  My solution was to learn to do everything right handed, but I know that this isn’t the best response

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“I’m making a crochet piece as a gift but I want to make sure the recipient cares for it properly! What are your tips for taking care of crocheted pieces?”

Caring For Your Crochet Piece

I have one reoccurring nightmare when it comes to crochet — that I’ll give someone a piece that I labored over for weeks and they’ll ruin it when they go to wash it.  Luckily, nobody has given me back a piece that they’ve ruined, but I thought that we should talk

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I struggle with my stitches being too tight, and my projects are always the wrong size when I’m done.  I’m about to throw all my yarn away and give up.  Help!

Don’t worry Marlene, you aren’t alone!  Stitches that are too tight is a common problem and one that can easily be remedied.  When I am teaching, adjusting the tightness of stitches is often one who class and I hope we can help you get stitches that you’re happy with.

For many, the reason for tight stitches

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I’m just beginning to learn crochet. I’m making a long scarf and will need more than one ball of yarn. Is it hard to switch yarn or add in another ball?

Hi Darcy,

Congrats on beginning your crochet journey! You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to learn all of the different techniques along the way.  My first piece of advice is to simply remind you that things may not come out perfectly right away, but keep practicing and don’t give up.

Now, for your question on

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How to Crochet Picots

Once you’re done working up your crochet project, it’s time to start thinking about how to finish it up with a little flair. Luckily for you, there is a plethora of ways to edge a sweater or blanket, but our favorite is the simple-to-learn and quick-to-work up picot edging. The picot stitch is versatile, easy

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