
Brandi Isham

I'm a stay at home mother of two who lives in Texas. I learned to crochet from my aunt around the age of 8 but it wasn't until I was 18 that I discovered crochet fashion and I have been hooked (literally!) ever since. I didn't start designing until my husband and I decided it was better for me to stay home after our daughter was born. My favorite things to create are light and lacy designs and I especially love working with thread. I have a couple designs published in Crochet! magazine and had my first Leaflet published with Annie's late last year (Learn to Crochet Linked Stitches). I'm currently working on my teaching certification with the craft yarn council, and I self-publish in the following links. I occasionally dabble in knitting, and when I'm not crocheting (or cleaning house) I enjoy playing video games (if my husband or kids haven't taken over the TV).

Projects by Brandi Isham

Island Time Dress

The slow pace of a tropical getaway heals the soul almost as much as the comfortable, flowy dress you will be wearing as you stroll along the beach. This versatile dress is made by starting at the high-waist and working down to the skirt, then crocheting in the opposite side of the foundation chain, working upwards for the bodice. This pattern could be easily converted into a two-piece outfit by simply working the bodice separately; it would look particularly lovely in two complementary colors.

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