
Asin Ratnayake

After learning crochet when she was 10, Asin turned back to start crocheting as a hobby in her early 20s. The calmness and meditative qualities of the art of crochet hooked her as a medium to get away from the everyday stress of life and work. Later she started to give it more focus and pursue crochet as her career. What started as a successful made-to-order business subsequently turned her into a crochet instructor in Sri Lanka. She is the face behind the Crochet A-Z Facebook page, which inspires thousands of people to follow their passion for crafts.

Currently living in the Netherlands, Asin explores her love for crochet further by designing patterns and working with beautiful yarn every day.

Projects by Asin Ratnayake

Checked Pillow with a Twist

This throw pillow combines colorwork and textured stitches for a captivating result. With a whimsical polka dot pattern created through tapestry colorwork, it adds a pop of color and playful charm. The polka dot squares are joined with plain squares to form a checkered pattern, making it fun and vibrant.

The front side of the pillowcase consists of 16 squares joined with a simple single crochet stitch, creating a cohesive panel. The back is made of two panels using the linen/moss stitch, with an opening to insert the pillow. This pillow is the perfect addition to your chair, sofa, or bed, adding both color and intriguing texture to your space.

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